"); if($_COOKIE[$names[$i]] != "show"){ $$names[$i] = "hide"; }else{ $$names[$i] = "show"; } }else{ $$names[$i] = "show"; } } // GET THE PREFERRED SKIN if(isset($_COOKIE['skin'])){ $skin = $_COOKIE['skin']; }else{ $skin = $defaultSkin; } // GET THE SLIDE SHOW SPEED if(isset($_COOKIE['ssSpeed'])){ $ssSpeed = $_COOKIE['ssSpeed'] * 1000; }else{ $ssSpeed = $defaultSSSpeed * 1000; } } if($_GET['action'] == "getFolderContents"){ if(substr($_GET['dir'],0,2) != ".." && substr($_GET['dir'],0,1) != "/" && $_GET['dir'] != "./" && !stristr($_GET['dir'], '../')){ $dir = $_GET['dir']; $list = new FNFileList; $list->getDirList($dir); exit; }else{ // someone is poking around where they shouldn't be echo("Don't hack my shit yo."); exit; } }else if($_GET['action'] == "nextImage"){ $out = new FNOutput; $tmp = $out->nextAndPrev($_GET['pic']); if($tmp[1] == ""){ $nextpic = $tmp[2]; }else{ $nextpic = $tmp[1]; } // get the image to preload $tmp2 = $out->nextAndPrev($nextpic); // get the image dimensions $imageDim = getimagesize($nextpic); echo $nextpic."|".$imageDim[0]."|".$imageDim[1]."|".$tmp2[1]; exit; } ?> fileNice™ - [<? echo $pathToHere ?>]

Filtypes to display

Slideshow speed seconds per image
Free open source file browser available from fileNice.com
Created by Andy Beaumont
viewFile($_GET['view']); }else if(isset($_GET['src'])){ $out = new FNOutput; $out->showSource($_GET['src']); } // show file list $list = new FNFileList; $list->getDirList("./"); ?>